Publishing Principles
Publishing Principles of the Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
- Submitted manuscripts must not have been published previously or must not be published elsewhere. Otherwise, the authors will be responsible for any inconvenience;
- Copyrights of the published manuscripts are concerned to the journal and legal and scientific responsibilities belong to its authors;
- The quotation can be taken from the articles published in JIP as long as they are referenced.
- The publishing committee will examine and assess the articles which are submitted to the journal and if they don't meet the aims and objectives of the journal will not be taken into consideration;
- The publishing committee has authorization to make grammatical and spelling alterations in the texts, if necessary;
- Manuscripts which meet the basic criteria of JIP will be sent for review by Double Blind Review for their comments;
- The final publications of the articles will be decided by the issue editor on the basis of referees' comments. If the numbers of articles exceed the numbers which can be published in an issue, the articles to be published will be decided by the publishing committee;
- At least two references should find the submitted article which deserves to be published;
- If the articles are accepted for publication in JIP with required corrections, those will be sent to the authors with referees' comments electronically. The authors are required to make required changes and corrections in the manuscripts and return the final draft of the article to JIP in a certain period of time. Authors permitted to make objections on comments and corrections on the basis of concrete pieces of evidence;
- The status of the articles can be viewed on the JIP website, through the author's account.
Publishers’ Responsibilities
- SCAD Independent as a JIP publisher is committed to working with journal editors, defining clearly their relevant roles, in order to ensure appropriate decisions regarding publication procedures and maintaining the transparency of editorial decisions.
- SCAD Independent as a JIP publisher also ensures the integrity autonomy and originality of each published article with respect to:
- Publication and research fundings
- Publication ethics and rectitude
- Conflicts of interest
- Confidentiality
- Authorship
- Article modifications
- Timely publication of content.